15 most famous mistresses of all times!

15 Famous mistresses of all times!

1. marylin monroe

Such is the wattage of both Monroe and John F. Kennedy that rumors of their affair have kept tongues wagging more than 40 years later. Though there has never been official confirmation of any of Kennedy's dalliances, there are indications he was unwilling to cede his playboy lifestyle to the conventions of marriage. Of his supposed conquests, Monroe tops the list. A sultry version of "Happy Birthday" sung by Monroe to Kennedy at Madison Square Garden in 1962 was supposedly the impetus for their affair. Monroe died later in 1962 of a drug overdose, but tales about her alleged fling with the President grew increasingly tall. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover tried to prove that the man on a secret FBI sex tape of Monroe was Kennedy, but he lacked definitive proof. Others claim Kennedy was involved in her death. Needless to say, the rumors are even less substantiated than the affair itself.

2. marion davies

Marion always said that she knew Hearst for a while before she became an actress, but their relationship went public when he gave her first top-billed film, Cecilia of the Pink Roses, financial backing. She became one of the most famous actresses in the world soon after. By the mid-20s, their relationship and glamorous social life overshadowed her acting career. The forbidden lovers never married because Hearst's wife's divorce settlement demands were too high, but Hearst did will 51% of his fortune to Marion when he passed. She got married to Horace Brown 10 weeks later.

3. jessica hahn

Jessica Hahn's story certainly is not that of a passionate love affair. On the contrary, her interaction with the once mighty PTL leader Jim Bakker was an ordeal for she claims to have been drugged with GHB and raped by ministers Bakker (husband of Tammy Faye) and John Fletcher after being invited to a telethon in Clearwater, Florida. The church secretary harbored the secret for seven years (she was paid $265,000 to keep quiet) and it was only until the religious empire worth millions (PTL stood for Praise the Lord not Pass The Loot, but may as well have) was under investigation for financial misconduct that Hahn's story made front page news. Hahn told Larry King in 2005 that she returned all the money back to the church, but did score a million dollar payday posing for Playboy back in the '80s. Jessica also admitted to having plastic surgery and stated that posing nude helped her deal with a lot of the emotional problems that she had. Apparenty, being naked and unashamed had been part of this woman's salvation.

4. marla maples


When the New York tabloids unearthed the adulterous relationship between model/actress/girl next door Marla Maples and real estate billionaire Donald Trump it caused quite a sensation. For one, it understandably set off wife Ivana, who once stepped to the mistress Maples when they ran into each other in Aspen and proclaimed, "You bitch, leave my husband alone!" Secondly, the tabloids frothed at the mouth that one of the city's icons was in such a salacious escapade, with the New York Post running the now infamous headline "Best Sex I've Ever Had," attributed to Marla in reference to the bedroom antics between her and The Donald. (She called the quote an outright lie the following day.) Somehow, Maples and Trump were able to get past it all and got married in December 1993, two months after the birth of their daughter. The union lasted until 1997 when the couple divorced. "Marla's a good girl," Trump reportedly said at the time. "But I wanted out."

5. ashley dupre

Before meeting then New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, Dupré was a struggling singer who worked as a call girl on the side. But when Spitzer's patronage of the Emperors Club VIP attracted federal attention in 2008, Dupré found herself catapulted into the limelight along with her former client. Hers was the first MySpace scandal, and Dupré found pictures of herself taken from her profile and plastered around the Web. Spitzer resigned in disgrace, but Dupré garnered almost equal face time.
For Dupré, taking down the sitting New York governor provided a short-lived career boost. After her illicit assignations with the guv were discovered, her songs were downloaded millions of times. Of course, that didn't mean they were good, and none of the notoriety has translated into any further commercial success.

6. rachel uchitel

Rachel Uchitel never set out to be the catalyst for the most spectacular personal and professional downfall of recent times. She never attempted to entrap her man or set him up in a tawdry kiss-and-tell. Yet it was her steamy text messages to Tiger Woods that set in train the public disgrace of a man who had been promoted as the most squeaky-clean, family-friendly sportsman of his generation.
In late 2009, The National Enquirer published a story that alleged that Uchitel had had an affair with Tiger Woods at the Australian Masters, an allegation Uchitel denied to the Associated Press. However, Uchitel is reported to have been photographed by the National Enquirer checking into Tiger Woods' hotel while in Australia in 2010. She later scheduled a news conference to discuss Woods' alleged affairs, but she and her attorney Gloria Allred cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances". According to Lisa Bloom, a CBS news legal commentator and Allred's daughter, Uchitel was given a cash settlement to cancel the news conference. Uchitel had another alleged affair, with married actor David Boreanaz. In May 2010, The Huffington Post released text messages to support the affair allegations. Uchitel initially stated that she was not involved with Boreanaz, but later admitted to the affair. During a May 14, 2010 appearance on TMZ Live, Uchitel discussed Boreanaz and "her new life as the most famous mistress on the planet". She denied extorting him over their alleged affair.

7. leann rimes

It was a wrap for Grammy-winning country star LeAnn Rimes' rep as one of America's sweethearts when she surprised fans in late March of 2009 with rumors of an extramarital affair with actor Eddie Cibrian. The two-timing allegedly began four months earlier while shooting the Lifetime TV movie Northern Lights in Calgary, Canada. The fact that Cibrian, who has appeared on CSI: Miami and Ugly Betty, was married with two sons, didn't help either. The svelte singer's six-year marriage to husband Dean Sheremet ended and the backlash from fans started. "I don't think the way I did it was right," she admitted later to Shape Magazine about her new relationship. The cheating couple did, however, try to do the right thing when they got married to each other this past April. Let's see if the still lovely-looking singer can get back some of the luster she lost after folks started calling her a LeAnn "Two Times."

8. michelle mcgee

When it comes to describing tattooed-head-to-toe fetish model/San Diego-based stripper Michelle McGee, "freaky" might not cover it. Far from the type of girl to bring home to mom (unless your moms is, say, a circus-performing ex-porn star), this alluring illustrated woman caused quite a stir with a Nazi-themed photo shoot and racially charged tats like the "W" on the back of her left leg and the "P" on her right, which doesn't stand for "Wet Pussy," as first thought, but "White Pride." Who would cheat with a chick like this? Why a celebrity biker, of course, one who was inexplicably married to goody two-shoes Sandra Bullock. Jesse James, star of reality show Monster Garage, watched his nearly five-year marriage go up in smoke just one week after Bullock won the Best Actress Oscar in March 2010. That's when Bombshell McGee dropped a bomb of her own and 'fessed up to In Touch Magazine that she had a 11-month affair with the motorcycle mechanic she nicked-named "Vanilla Gorilla." The un-PC tease went on to admit regret for her insensitive body work, saying, "I make a horrible racist Nazi. I have too many colored friends." The most shocking revelation of this whole messy episode? McGee was reportedly raised Amish.

9. rielle hunter

Hunter has been an equestrian, a bit-part actress, a filmmaker and even the inspiration for a novel. But history will know her as John Edwards' "other" woman. After Edwards hired Hunter to produce a series of documentaries on his 2008 campaign for President, the two began a romantic affair that continued until the National Enquirer revealed the couple's liaison at a Los Angeles hotel. More salacious still: Hunter had a child, with no father listed on the birth certificate.
An Edwards aide, Andrew Young, quickly claimed to be the unnamed father of Hunter's baby, and despite an alleged promise to marry Hunter, Edwards quickly distanced himself from his mistress. Now Young says he is disillusioned by his former boss's actions, and he's writing a book claiming that Edwards is the actual father of Hunter's child — and that the couple recorded a sex tape together. For her part, Hunter has declined a paternity test, but she is reportedly angry at how Edwards' wife Elizabeth has cast her in the media. The Edwards family has not commented on Young's allegations.


Who, exactly, is the Argentine woman about whom South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford had waxed so poetically in his e-mail missives? A 41-year-old former TV reporter, Chapur admitted on June 28 to being Sanford's object of affection, but details about her remain hazy. A divorcée living in Buenos Aires with her two children, Chapur said someone "hacked" her e-mail last year. Her short statement asked for privacy and offered no further details about her life.
Chapur might be keeping quiet, but Sanford can't seem to shut up. In a June 30 interview with the Associated Press, he called Chapur his "soul mate," although he said he'd "try" to fall back in love with his wife.


An on-again, off-again relationship gets a little more attention when it's with Britain's Prince Charles — and especially when one of those "on" periods was during his marriage to Princess Diana. Lurid (and bizarre) conversations between the two were leaked in 1993, which didn't help Camilla's cause. Married at the time as well, she kept a low profile in the press but eventually divorced her husband and married her suitor after Princess Di perished in a tragic car accident.
The pair had a low-key wedding (by royal standards) in 2005, and the royal family has gradually accepted Camilla into its ranks. Though she could have opted for the title "Princess of Wales" like Diana's, Camilla chose to become the Duchess of Cornwall instead. She has been lauded for her charity efforts on the royal family's behalf.


After the White House intern conducted an infamous affair with President Bill Clinton in 1995 and 1996, Lewinsky's name became a punch line. Though Clinton initially denied their relationship, Lewinsky was called to testify before the Starr commission and contradicted the President, leading to an impeachment trial (and an eventual acquittal) in the Senate.
Lewinsky summed it up well: "I'm well-known for something that isn't great to be well-known for." Lewinsky remained a minor celebrity, appearing on Saturday Night Live and hosting a short-lived reality-TV show. But for the past five years, Lewinsky has kept out of the spotlight. In 2006 she graduated from the London School of Economics with a master's degree in social psychology.


In what could be considered the original Hollywood love triangle, singer Eddie Fisher married Elizabeth Taylor in 1959 after leaving his wife, Debbie Reynolds, for her. At the time, the couple also had two young children together (including Star Wars actress Carrie Fisher). What made the situation even worse is that Debbie and Liz were also best friends. "We had a lapse of time when she took Eddie to live with her because she liked him, too," Debbie has said of Liz, adding, "She liked him well enough to take him without an invitation." In a weird twist of fate, Liz ditched Eddie for her Cleopatra co-star and long-time love Richard Burton in 1964. Debbie and Liz went on to reconcile their friendship sometime in the late '60s and kept in touch until Liz's death in 2011. Debbie has even likened the scandal to another modern romance, saying, "I was just like Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt when he fell in love with Angelina Jolie."

It's the rare woman who is so desirable that she ends up cleaving a church. But Boleyn's insistence that she would be a mere mistress to Henry VIII caused a rift that began to split the Anglicans from the Catholics. Though Henry courted Boleyn for years, she refused his advances, requiring that he annul his marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon first. Pope Clement VII delayed granting the annulment, leading Henry to create the Anglican Church of England. The Archbishop of Canterbury finally nixed Henry's first marriage, clearing the way for Boleyn to become Queen at last.
 Ironically, and unfairly, Boleyn would end up executed after being accused of having affairs with a number of men, including her brother. Historians generally agree that the charges were shams, sparked by rivalries among the court and Boleyn's inability to give Henry a male heir. She was beheaded at the Tower of London in 1536.

15. Lucy Mercer 

Hired as a secretary by Eleanor Roosevelt, Mercer ended up having an affair with Roosevelt's husband. Eleanor discovered love letters between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mercer in 1918, when the presidency was just a distant ambition for her husband. Fearing for his political life, Franklin convinced Eleanor to stay married, promising he would avoid seeing Mercer again and that the two would sleep in separate beds.
 Franklin didn't keep his promise. With help from the Roosevelts' daughter Anna, he continued to rendezvous with Mercer, and she was in Warm Springs, Ga., the day Franklin died. (Eleanor was conspicuously absent.) Mercer died in South Carolina in 1948.

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