20 things you should do before you die!

If you don't have a Bucket List already... here, we made one for you!

1. Go on a road trip

Preferably without getting murdered. Stay away from abandoned buildings and don’t take advice from crusty old men at gas stations!

2. Visit all seven continents

 Yes, even Antarctica. There are plenty of cruises that go down there now, and it only costs tens of thousands of dollars! And possibly your soul. It depends which cruise company you go with. You also run the risk of getting stranded, which often happens. Fun, right?!


3. Live in a different country

Traveling is one thing, but actually moving to a different country is a whole other thing. For bonus Life Points, get involved in a green card marriage, just for the story. 


4. Sleep under the stars

This can be one of the most rewarding, beautiful and introspective experiences of your life…unless you’re doing it because you maxed out 5 credit cards and no longer have an apartment.

5. Watch all those damn movies everyone keeps talking about

You know the ones I mean. Most of them grace the IMDB’s Top 100 Films list.


6. Read all those damn books everyone keeps talking about

See above, but replace ‘movies’ with ‘books’ and ‘IMDB’ with ‘BBC.’

7. Conquer a fear

Don’t spend your whole life letting fear hold you back! Try conquering some, or at least one, of your fears. Just don’t go jumping off any buildings if you hate heights, I don’t think that will work.

8. Learn a foreign language

Learning another language is incredibly rewarding, plus it gives you an excuse to travel! Just don’t be like those Amazing Race contestants who yell “rapido” at cab drivers in Asia.

9. Disconnect for a week

No phone. No internet. No TV. Nothing.
Free yourself from the burden of modern technology. Sure, you may want to blow your brains out at first, but you’ll discover some amazing things you may not have otherwise. Plus, you’ll learn a lot more about yourself. If you think the temptation  of screens will be too great, remove yourself from them. Spend the entire time camping or hiking.

1o. Go to a major sporting event

I’m admittedly not the biggest sports fan, but even I can’t deny the sheer power of an excited sports crowd. The atmosphere is unmatched. Worst case scenario, you have a few drinks and yell out the wrong sports terms or team names for fun. 

11. Adopt a rescue pet

No joking around on this one; there are so many animals out there who need love.

12. Swim in the ocean

This may not sound particularly impressive, but not everyone has had the opportunity! There’s nothing quite like bobbing up and down in the ocean on a hot summer day. Just stay away from Amity Island. 

13. Go to an expensive ‘open house’

It’ll be both fun and depressing!

14. Ride in a limo

Even better if it’s one of those old ones from the 70s that looks worse than your regular car.

15. Get in a mud fight

Fun, messy and good for your skin! Get back in tune with your inner child. Ladies, if the men folk start ogling then it’s turned into a different thing and it’s time to stop.

16. Karaoke

I don’t even have to explain this one, because karaoke is awesome. Especially bad karaoke. Unless Gwenyth Paltrow is involved. Make sure you have a signature song too. Mine is ‘I Touch Myself’ by the Divinyls, because making people feel awkward is funny. 

17.Get your fortune read

Just for the lols. Better yet, get your biscuits read. I’m not even close to joking about that being real. 

18. Protest something

Whether it’s encouraging nations to boycott the Russian Winter Games or maintaining that Firefly needs to return to television, protesting or fighting for something you truly care about is an amazing feeling. 

19. Leave a note for a stranger

Brighten someone’s day by writing a nice, uplifting note and leaving it somewhere random. It doesn’t matter who finds it, or that there’s a chance that they’ll be weirded out. It’s a good exercise in doing things for people, even if you don’t know who they are and never see their reaction. 

20. Follow a dream

Whether it’s big or small, you should definitely try to achieve at least one of your dreams before kicking the figurative bucket. Visit somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Go after your perfect job. Write an inappropriate children’s book. Eat twenty hotdogs in on sitting. Don’t leave room for regret. 

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