15 Facts You Don't Know About YOUR BEST FRIEND!

15 facts you probably don't know about dogs!

Dog owners know the blessings that dogs can be. Their intelligent antics and goofy sense of humor can brighten anybody’s life. But dogs are more than just k9 companions or dumb animals. In fact, there is a considerable amount of things that make dogs unique within the animal kingdom. Check out these 15 things you didn’t know about dogs and see what we mean.


1.Every dog has his wild side!

Even if dogs have been domesticated since approximately 33,000 years ago, their primal instincts remain active to this day. Some of these instincts include howling at the moon, pack dependency and even territory marking.  


2. Dogs are hotter than people..literally

Dogs have a higher body temperature than humans. The average body temperature of a dog is 101 to 103 degrees F. for this reason, fleas are attracted to your dog instead of you.


3. Dogs feel jealousy

A 2008 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that when a dog saw another dog get a treat for the same trick they’d been performing unrewarded, the unrewarded dog becomes agitated, scratching themselves and avoiding the gaze of the rewarded dog. Dog jealousy isn’t too complex, though. Pups didn’t seem to mind if they only got bread while other dogs received rewards in sausage– and the pups didn’t seem to care if they had to do tricks for treats while other dogs just sat around on their bum receiving treats.


4. Dogs don’t feel guilt

Those shamed eyes your dog gives you after destroying the innards of the waste basket in your bathroom? That’s not guilt, researchers say. He’s just reacting to your reprimand.


5. Dogs can predict

Dogs can predict an epileptic seizure up to 45 minutes before it happens. No one really knows what dogs are picking up on, but there are theories that it might have something to do with an unknown smell or tiny behavioral changes. Dogs can also sniff out cancers. Researchers believe that our pups pick up on “extraordinarily faint scents given off by the abnormal cells.”


6. The oldest dog

The oldest dog on record was an Australian cattle dog named Bluey who lived 29 years and 5 months. In human years, that is more than 160 years old. Old age has never looked so good!  

7. Border collies and poodles are thought to be the most intelligent dogs


8. Akita Inus are the most badly behaved dogs


9. Dogs dream like people

If you've ever noticed your pooch twitching in her sleep, this probably means she's dreaming. Researchers found that dogs have similar sleep patterns and brain activity as humans, and that small breeds tend to dream more than large ones. Psychology Today suggests they're probably imagining familiar activities like playing outside or chasing their tail. 


 10. No chocolate please

It turns out that a chemical in chocolate called theobromine is toxic and can seriously, even fatally affect your dog if it ingests between 100 and 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.


11. Pain inducing thunderstorms

Thunderstorms have particular sound frequencies that can hurt dogs’ ears. The fear that your dog shows at the start of a thunderstorm may actually be a reaction to pain.

12. Sweaty paws

Unlike humans who sweat through theirs skin, dogs sweat through their paws. Check it out next time your dog seems to be hot.


13. Insecurity

A frightened dog will put its tail between his legs because it cuts off the scent glands in its anal region which carry personal scents that identify the individual dogs. It’s almost as if the dog is hiding his Id card.


14. The mystery of the chase-the-tail madness

Ever wonder why your pup chases his tail? There’s actually a good reason to that seemingly pointless habit. The circular motion flattens tall grass in the wild and turns it into a cozy bed for them.


15. Blood pressure lowering affection

Research shows that by petting a dog you help lower your blood pressure.

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